After five years in school, will homeschooling be a fit for our family? Walk with us as we try to find out!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Weekly Wrap Up: The One with Field Day

As I mentioned in last week's post, we are winding down our school year right now so I don't have much to report other than the test subjects are buckled down and trying to end "on time."

Today was our last co-op meeting for the year and it was a Field Day!  It has been raining, drizzling, misting or just plain damp for much of the past couple of weeks here.  It poured yesterday and was misting this morning.  Despite the poor forecast, we were able to have almost the entire Field Day outdoors.  It did rain for a 15 minute period smack in the middle of the event, which happened to be during snack time.  We simply moved the kids indoors to eat and by the time they were done, the rain had let up.  We were blessed for sure!

TS 1 on the black team

TS 2 on the green team

Our curricula for next year has been slowly arriving all week, adding to the fairly large stash I have from the convention.  For now, I have the boxes and bags piled in a corner of the homeschool room in the hopes that I can just switch everything out in a few weeks when we end the school year.  The pile is getting a bit out of control, though!  

We are looking forward to some fun with friends tonight, a baseball game for TS 2 tomorrow (unless it rains...again), church and a celebration for a friend on Sunday and Monday off!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend filled with rest and family fun!  

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